Walls Reunion Family Poem

This is the day I’ve longed for
I’m glad it’s here I’ll say
For we haven’t had a reunion
In just one year today.
This is the day I’ve longed for,
Again I will repeat
For this is the day when the Walls and Taylors
Get plenty good food to eat.
I saw my mother this morning
As she wrung the chicken’s neck,
Cakes and pies and custards too
Stacked just this high by heck.
I told my stomach this morning
Just as I got out of bed.
“Old stomach, this is one day
That you will be well fed.”
I’m glad to meet my kinfolk
Glad to know you have the zeal,
But the thing I just can’t get off my mind
Is that good old dinner meal!

-Allie C. McAfee Morris